Kettlebells are an effective training tool that when used safely and correctly can produce amazing results.
Just some of the benefits include:
Muscular Endurance
Muscular Strength
Injury Prevention
Aerobic Endurance
Motor Skills
Another reason to train with kettlebells is that it is incredibly metabolically
demanding which makes it unbeatable as a fat burner.
Where else can you get all this in one from training?
kettlebells deliver the perfect combination of strength and endurance,
cardiovascular fitness, explosive agility, stamina and fat loss.
Due to demand for a Kettlebell workshop I have set a date for the only workshop of the year.
Because our Tuesday sessions are popular there are a couple of conditions, however if you are wanting to attend the workshop so that you can workout at home via my online programme or to join the temporary Thursday sessions (again to eventually train online) then the following conditions do not apply.
- I ask that you commit to consistently turning up to at least 5 out of 6 kettlebell sessions post workshop, that means every week for 5 or 6 weeks you'll need to be training on a Tuesday, this enables you enough time to master technique and adapt to sessions. Kettlebells take practice and if you start missing sessions you will start falling behind the team. I appreciate sometimes work commitments and children take priority, holidays or illness stop you from training but all I ask is some commitment from the outset. Every session is an opportunity to practice.
- it is recommended that if you are going to take kettlebell training seriously that you purchase your own bell to practice with away from sessions, the more you practice the quicker you master the techniques. The link to a trusted kettlebell source can be found in the manual that you receive when you sign up.
Location: Stanley Village Hall
Date: 16th June 2018
Time: 11am - 3pm
Whats Included:
- Kettlebell Instruction from a Certified Kettlebell Teacher
- Kettlebells will be available to practice with
- A fully downloadable ebook covering all the exercises taught on the Kettlebell Workshop (this includes demo videos and exercise image breakdown and description)
What you will learn:
- Kettlebell Squat
- Kettlebell Swing
- Turkish Get Up
- Kettlebell Clean & Press/Push Press
- Kettlebell Snatch
- Warm ups and cool downs
- Remedial drills to all exercises
The Cost of the workshop
How do I sign up?
Simply set up your kettlebell workshop payment below and you will be contacted via email a couple of days before with instructions of what to bring and wear on the day.
Once you have set up your payment just send me a quick email to confirm at
Your manual will be sent out to you 7 days before the workshop starts
I look forward to coaching you soon
Jason Brownlie