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ARE YOU an over 30's man or woman in Perth who are interested in dropping a clothes size or two in TIME for christmas? 

Finally a group training PROGRAMME for the over 30's man & woman looking to shape up, feel healthy, prolong life & regain the 'buzz' of their younger years

6 WEEK santa slim down PROGRAMME

Programme Starts

October 19th 2022

Just 5 places left


  • Live in the Perth area

  • Are ready to get back in shape and feel great for Christmas & beyond

  • You're an over 30's man or woman

  • Can exercise at least 2-3 times a week 

  • Are you prepared to invest in yourself

  • Do want to be fitter, healthier & happier

If this describes you then pop your email address below and i'll send you further details on how to secure your place

Please note: As soon as you request the early bird offer, an email with the information will instantly be sent to your email inbox. if you do not see it, check junk mail.

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