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Is porridge 'good for you' at breakfast?

Right here comes the broken record moment...

There's no such thing as a 'healthy food' just a healthy diet

No such thing as a 'bad food' just a bad diet

I like to look at carbs, fats, proteins as a hybrid engine in say a Toyota Prius.

Carbs are your high octane fuel source (petrol)

Needed when active, working hard and you want performance.

Fats and proteins are good to use as a fuel source when at work, walking, chilling out etc

So is porridge a healthy source?

It depends on your lifestyle and the demands and requirements YOUR body needs.

If you're active and require so many carbohydrates to get through the day, absolutely crack on, bang some fruit in too - enjoy it.

However if you're planning on being sedentary perhaps look to another choice

Carbs have one job and one job only, to provide energy.

If not used, they'll be stored.

Which isn't as bad as you think

However make considerations for what you eat each day

Your protein requirements should stay around the same day to day

Your fats and carbs should swap in and out depending on your workout, work day or fatigue levels from previous training

But remember this

Carbs don't make you fat

Protein certainly doesn't make you fat

Fat doesn't make you fat

Consistently overeating makes you put on fat overtime, even more so if you are doing nothing to burn it off.

Want more tips and nuggets of nutritional wisdom.... grab a copy of my FREE book 'Fat Loss Simplified' and discover how tro lose weight and keep it off for good without all the fad, diet and gimmick nonsense.

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If you found this useful, don't forget to share it with your friends, family or anyone else who might find it useful.


Coach @ The Perth Fitness Camp

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